Sharad Patil
Top Albums
Bhakton Ke Sartaaz Shri Sant Gunwant Maharaaj
- Deepak Chawre, Sharad Patil, Vaishali Vidhate, Sohal Mishra, Dinesh Kumar, Sachin Gudhe
Bhakton Ke Sartaj Shri Sant Gunwant Maharaj
- Vaishali Vidhate, Deepak Chawre, Sharad Patil, Sohal Mishra
Ghodyavar Ayalay Navara
- Various Artists
About Sharad Patil
Listen to Sharad Patil songs online. Download top songs of Sharad Patil like Sadguru Samarth Gunwanta, Aarti, Dhun Sachcha Naam Hai, Ek Banjare Ki and Mere Gunwanta Maharaaj.