Rajlakshmi Debi
Top Albums
Harano Sur
- Hemanta Kumar Mukhopadhyay
Shuno Baranari
- Robin Chatterjee, Rabindranath Tagore
Shades of Tagore - Romantic Songs
- Various Artists
Double Dose - Hemanta Mukherjee and Uttam Kumar
- Hemanta Kumar Mukhopadhyay
Tumi Je Amar - Suchitra Sen Starrer Hits
- Various Artists
Double Dose - Sandhya Mukherjee and Suchitra Sen
- Sandhya Mukherjee
About Rajlakshmi Debi
Listen to Rajlakshmi Debi songs online. Download top songs of Rajlakshmi Debi like Jodi Bhabo E To Khela Ghar, Gharete Bhramar Elo and Ei Je Kachhe Daka (From "Chaoa Paoa").