Pranati Tagore
Top Albums
Mahakabye Chirontani
- Subir Mitra, Pranati Tagore
Borsha Mangol
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Jibon Debota
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Bengali Non-Film Gems Vol-17
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Dipanjan Basu Recitation
- Bratati Banerjee, Pradip Ghosh, Pranati Tagore
Jibon Debota
- Pranati Tagore
Bengali Non-Film Gems Vol-16
- Various Artists
Jibon Debota
- Pranati Tagore
Rabi Lekho Mala
- Pranati Tagore
- Various Artists
- Various Artists
- Various Artists
- Various Artists
About Pranati Tagore
Listen to Pranati Tagore songs online. Download top songs of Pranati Tagore like Emon Dine Taare, Anjali, Prabhu Amar, Probhu Amar and Prothom Puja.