Prabhu Dayal
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House No. 44
- S. D. Burman
Gorki Patarki Re
- Vijay Kapoor, Rajesh Lalit
Pooja Goverdhan Ki Karle (Giriraj Mahima)
- Pt. Gyanendra Sharma
Vote For Weekend - Evergreen Chill Out Melodies
- Various Artists
About Prabhu Dayal
Listen to Prabhu Dayal songs online. Download top songs of Prabhu Dayal like Chup Hai Dharti Chup Hai Chand, Teri Duniya Mein Jeene Se, Phaili Hui Hai Sapnon Ki Bahen, Pechhe Pechhe Aakar and Aag Lagi Bangle Mein.