Mitesh Barot (Samrat)
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Top Albums
Top Songs Of Kajal Maheriya
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Trupti Na Taale
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Folk Fusion - Hits Of Gaman Santhal
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Holi Geeto
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Gujarati Blockbuster Hits
- Jignesh Barot, Mahesh Vanzara, Kishan Raval, Gaman Santhal, Geeta Rabari, Rohit Thakor, Bechar Thakor
Gujarati Sad Songs
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Gujarati Heartbreak
- Rohit Thakor, Gaman Santhal, Umesh Barot, Shital Thakor, Vinay Nayak
Kishan Raval & Gaman Santhal Gujarati Hits
- Kishan Raval, Gaman Santhal
Shravan Special
- Geeta Rabari
About Mitesh Barot (Samrat)
Listen to Mitesh Barot (Samrat) songs online. Download top songs of Mitesh Barot (Samrat) like Kyare Malisu, Bus Ni Ticket, Kon Jaane Kyaare Malishu, KON JANE HAVE KYARE MALISHU and Bhagvan Pan Bhulo Padyo.