L.V. Prasad
Top Albums
Bhaktha Prahlada
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- Balantrapu Rajanikanta Rao
Pempudu Koduku
- S. Rajeswara Rao
Ravoyi Chandamama - A.M. Rajah - Telugu
- Various Artists
Classical Maestro - Dr. M. Balamuralikrishna - Telugu
- Various Artists
Navaragalu Palikinchu - Hits of S. Rajeshwara Rao
- S. Rajeswara Rao, S. Babu
About L.V. Prasad
Listen to L.V. Prasad songs online. Download top songs of L.V. Prasad like Om Namo Narayana, Aadiyu Anaadiyu Neeve, Hey Jyothi, Raa Raa Priya Sundaraa and Jananee Varadaayini - 1.