Keshav Purohit
Top Albums
Shree Krishna Rukhmani
- Avinash Vyas
Bhakta Tulsidas
- Avinash Vyas
Jai Hanuman
- Bulo C. Rani
Prem Ane Ujjas No Maha Rass - Sharad poonam
- Various Artists
Bhakti Parv Mahashivratri
- Various Artists
About Keshav Purohit
Listen to Keshav Purohit songs online. Download top songs of Keshav Purohit like Ditho Gokul No Govalo, Raas (From "Shree Krishna Rukhmani") and Nache Nache, Samb Sadashiv Nache (From "Shree Krishna Rukhmani").