Ganesh S Satardekar
Featured In
Koli Dance Hits
- Saavn
Top Albums
The Shinde Brothers Vol-3
- Anand Shinde, Prahlad Shinde, Milind Shinde, Suresh Shinde
The Shinde Brothers Vol-2
- Milind Shinde, Pralhad Shinde, Anand Shinde, Suresh Shinde
The Shinde Brothers Vol-5
- Prahlad Shinde, Milind Shinde, Anand Shinde, Suresh Shinde
About Ganesh S Satardekar
Listen to Ganesh S Satardekar songs online. Download top songs of Ganesh S Satardekar like Shejarin Bai, Kolin Bye, Yaa Go Navrila, Ashi Lachkat and Aayali Natun.