Firoz Ladka
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Top Albums
Top Garba Songs
- Various Artists
Aye Halo Vol. 2
- Kirtidan Gadhvi, Lalitya Munshaw, Parthiv Gohil, Osman Mir
Udi Udi Jaaun - Uttarayan Vishesh
- Jigardan Gadhavi, Rupang Khansaheb, Traditional
Best of Raas Garba
- Traditional, Jatin-Pratik, Samir Mana, Hanif Iqbal, Pankaj Bhatt, Hardik Dave, Swapnil Mistry, Gaurang Vyas, Rathin Mehta
Greatest Raas-Garba Hits
- Traditional, Jatin, Pratik, Samir Mana, Hanif Iqbal, Hardik Dave, Rathin Mehta, Swapnil Mistry
Non Stop Raas Garba Hits
- Traditional, Samir Mana, Jatin-Pratik, Pratik Mehta, Hardik Dave, Gaurang Vyas, Hanif Iqbal, Pratiik Mehta, Swapnil Mistry, Rathin Mehta, Pankaj Bhatt
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About Firoz Ladka
Listen to Firoz Ladka songs online. Download top songs of Firoz Ladka like Non Stop Dandiya- Nache Ganesha and 5 more, Non Stop Dandiya- Dhannya Dhannya and 5 more, Non Stop Dandiya- Dholida Na Dhol and 4 more, Non Stop Dandiya- Jode Rahejo Raj and 4 more and Dholida Na Dhol -5.