11Anywhere but Here / Jenny on the Road Emil Fredenmark Virus (Music Inspired by the Audiobook Series)Pro Only
22We're Losing Her / Odenplan's Blood Bank Emil Fredenmark Virus (Music Inspired by the Audiobook Series)Pro Only
33The Bomb / Amanda at Västerbron Emil Fredenmark Virus (Music Inspired by the Audiobook Series)Pro Only
44Where is She!? / Iris at the Mall Emil Fredenmark Virus (Music Inspired by the Audiobook Series)Pro Only
55To the North / Risten's Journey Emil Fredenmark Virus (Music Inspired by the Audiobook Series)Pro Only
77Pathogen Level 4 / Folkhälsomyndigheten's Security Lab Emil Fredenmark Virus (Music Inspired by the Audiobook Series)Pro Only