Dr Lovelesh
Top Albums
Open Stage Recreations - Vol 56
- Tarak Trivedi, Anjali Singh, Souvik Singha, Rajiv Goel
Open Stage Recreations - Vol 32
- Tapati Das, Uttam A, Vijayashree Samant, Samina
Open Stage Recreations - Vol 43
- Subhash Bellare, Tejinder Singh Bedi, Avani, Jagriti Singh
Open Stage Hits - Vol 30
- Various Artists
Open Stage Recreations - Vol 65
- Parag Paunikar, Bikram Malati, Rochak Kohli, Mohit Chauhan
About Dr Lovelesh
Listen to Dr Lovelesh songs online. Download top songs of Dr Lovelesh like Aap Yun Hi Agar Humse Milte Rahe, Mohabbat Aisi Dhadkan Hai, Aap Ke Pehloo Mein Aakar, Saranga Teri Yaad Mein and Ye Samaa Samaa Hai Pyar Ka.