Abhirup Guhathakurta
Top Albums
Gitabitan, Vol. 46
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Gitabitan, Vol. 42
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Gitabitan, Vol. 21
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Mrityur Nipun Shilpi
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Bishwamayer Dhyane Bishwakobir Gane
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Gitabitan, Vol. 41
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Gitabitan, Vol. 43
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Bare Bare Peyechhi
- Ritu Guha, Abhirup Guhathakurata
About Abhirup Guhathakurta
Listen to Abhirup Guhathakurta songs online. Download top songs of Abhirup Guhathakurta like Ki Ragini Bajale Hridaye, Aamar Poran Loye Ki Khela, Kotha Je Udhao Holo Mor, Chitto Pipashito Re Gitashudhar Tore and Acho Akash Paane Tule Matha.