Latest Releases
Laal Kila Mein Jhanda Gar Debau Ge
- Jayant Vikram, Shrishti Bharti
Bora Bichhake Garam Kailkau Rediwater
- Jayant Vikram
Pahile Hi Ratiya Nathiya Tod Delkai
- Jayant Vikram
Bhatar Ke Karbau Khoon
- Jayant Vikram
About Jayant Vikram
Listen to Jayant Vikram songs online. Download top songs of Jayant Vikram like Bhatar Ke Karbau Khoon, Laal Kila Mein Jhanda Gar Debau Ge, Pahile Hi Ratiya Nathiya Tod Delkai, Holi Babhantoli Ke and Hoi Jai Mai Ke Vidai.