Uttam Sonowal
Top Albums
Tumake Dekhu Priya
- Abhijit Barman
Jonak Nachile Manat
- Various Artists
Velantine Ke Phool
- Abhijit Barman
- Digantu Sharma, Sandhya Menon, Uttam Sonowal
Pam Ne Tumak
- Partho Pratim Chaudhry
Gollywood 96 vol-2
- Jatin Sharma
About Uttam Sonowal
Listen to Uttam Sonowal songs online. Download top songs of Uttam Sonowal like Mor Man Aaji Hol, Jiyu Moi Mor Jiwanat, Bahu Kotha Nahol Aaji Kuwa, Jiyu Moi Mor Jiwanat and Kune Janu.