Micky Narula
Top Albums
Hoye Janam Suhela (Part 3)
- Bhai Harbans Singh Ji-Jagadhari Wale, Micky Narula, K.S. Narula
Khalse De Goonjde Jaikare Vol-1
- Kuldeep Manak
Mere Kalgian Wale Pritam
- Jaspinder Narula, Micky Narula, Parminder Kaur, K.S. Narula
Gawandi Munda
- Various Artists
Mere Kalgiyan Wale Pritam
- Jaspinder Narula
Lara Lappa (The Bold & Beautiful Mix)
- Micky Narula, Saru Maini
Guru Maaneyo Granth Vol-32
- Anuradha Paudwal, Bhai Davinder Singh Ji Sodhi (Ludhiane Wale)
Mera Ghar Baneya Vol-29
- Bhai Davinder Singh Sodhi (Ludhiana Wale), Jaspinder Narula
Hum Saran Prabh Aaye - Jug Jug Daatey
- Bhai Harbans Singh Jagadhri Wale
Dhan Guru Baajan Waleya
- S.P. Singh, Bhai Manjeet Singh, Sawarn Yamla
Krishna Upasana
- Preeti Uttam Singh
Woh Bewafa Thi
- Jaspinder Narula, Suresh Wadekar, Anupama Deshpandey
Venus Compilation Songs
- Various Artists
Bhangra Mix
- Various Artists
Venus Compilation Songs
- Various Artists
About Micky Narula
Listen to Micky Narula songs online. Download top songs of Micky Narula like Hoye Janam Suhela (Vyakhya Sahit), Oh Gur Govind Hoye Pragtiya (Vyakhya Sahit), Jaadugar Saiyan, Amrat Lai Banyan and Aoo Sangto.